Friday, June 25, 2004
Hello! Yes I am still alive, just with even less access to the internet than when I was in France!! And it's been so long that they've changed the format of Blogger! AAgghh! But still, so far so good...
I am now back at Avaya, having been enticed by more money than Delta and a temp contract through until the end of November!! It's the end of my second week and I am really enjoying being back here - I hardly thought I'd say that, but basically I'm doing the Helpdesk job with no responsibility of being the supervisor, so no stress!!
However, they have strict rules on no internet use during working hours, hence me not getting round to updating this... and, apologies dad, but dial up connection chez mum & dad is just too frustrating!
Other than that, my life at the moment is being taken up helping Gerwyn re-decorate his flat in Swindon, but this is nearly finished now....
Anyway, I'm going to check out everyone else's blog now...I'll try to be back soon, and I may even attempt to re-activate my comments!!!



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