Sunday, May 29, 2005
Strange German Laws…
We were just sitting outside, enjoying a brunch of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon (belated birthday breakfast for G), having had a lie in then gone for a short bike ride, when Judith’s mobile beeped a text message – Her "other half" had been in Salzburg, seeing the rep there, and was en route to Alsace but had been stopped by the German police for driving with a trailer on Sunday!!! Yes, that’s right; it’s illegal to drive with a trailer on Sunday in Germany before 10pm!! Apparently, in France, it is illegal to drive a lorry on a Sunday! At least it means the roads are quieter and the (French) lorry drivers get a break…foreign lorry drivers can get away with it though!!.... But back in Germany somewhere, poor Keith and another rep are stuck in a van, with the illegally towed trailer, unable to go anywhere for roughly 10 hours!!!



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